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Commonly Asked Questions About Funeral Plans

We at Stanley J Nicholas Ltd are here to answer commonly asked questions about funeral plans. We offer an extensive range of funeral options to ensure that your loved one has the respectful and bespoke service they deserve. So please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01443 830328.

Are Funeral Plans Worth Buying?

If you want a personalised arrangement with a trusted company that guarantees a respectful service, then yes.

A funeral plan is worth buying.

Some of the commonly asked questions about funeral plans are in regards to the price and the services provided for that price.

The cost of funerals have risen over the years. Funeral plans take the added stress of this cost away, as payments for funeral plans are processed before the passing of a loved one. We can give you the option to include a contribution towards third-party costs if needed.

Another commonly asked question about funeral plans –

“how many packages do you offer ? ”

We at Stanley J Nicholas Ltd offer 5 different funeral plans ranging in price and services. Take a closer look at our plans in detail on our website.

are funeral plans worth buying ?

What Happens If I Die Before My Funeral Plan Is Paid?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions about funeral plans. We have options of 4 payments. Each with a different outcome when you pass before the funeral plan is paid.

Payment in full :

This is where you are planning to pay the amount for the package in full at the time of purchase. The cost will be transferred directly to a spouse or a close family member if a death occurs before the service.

12 monthly payments :

This is paying by a direct debit for over a period of up to 12 months. The balance of what is to pay will be transferred and requested from your estate so your plan can still be carried out if you have an untimely passing.

Low cost instalment option :

This is a low cost direct debit option, where a fee is agreed between 2 & 30 years. If you’ve paid for the majority of these instalments already, the money paid will be returned to your estate.

Fixed monthly plan :

This is a payable direct debit option, paid monthly until death or when you turn 90. If you pass within the first 2 years of the plan, the funeral director (Stanley J Nicholas) will receive the amount paid in this time and the rest will be requested from family or your estate.

Can I Cancel My Funeral Plan?

To Answer quickly, Yes you can.

This is also a commonly asked question about funeral plans. At any time you feel the plan is not best suited to you or you wish to switch plans, Stanley J Nicholas Ltd will help guide you.

With the payment in full option, you can cancel the plan within 30 days and the payment will be refunded with no extra fee.

With the 12 monthly payments option, you can cancel if some instalments have been paid. The amount paid is refunded to a spouse if applicable. There is also an option to cancel within 30 days, where the first instalment is refunded.

The low cost instalment option is similar. If you cancel within 30 days, we’ll refund you the payments you’ve made so far.

And the fixed monthly payment cannot be cancelled at any time unfortunately. If payment stops, the plan will be cancelled and you won’t receive a refund.


Funeral directors blackwood south wales

Get More Information

We want to answer all of your commonly asked questions about funeral plans. However we might not have covered what you were after.

So if needing more information, then please head to our website for details into the packages and prices and advice. Or, contact us directly for more information.

We all need help in a difficult time. Stanley J Nicholas Ltd is here to provide that help and more.

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